Critical Reactions
About Emily
“Gordon is...a terrific writer,” Elizabeth McCracken, New York Times Book Review
“A thrilling writer,” Joan Acocella, The New Yorker, May 8, 2000
“Emily Fox Gordon is funny and very, very smart,” Marion Winik, Newsday August 22, 2010
About the Books
Madeleine and Jane
“A wry and often hilarious dive into New York in the Sixties. The historical details are accurate, spot on, conjuring both nostalgia and groans of recognition. Gordon’s insights into her characters make this a special joy to read,”
- Phillip Lopate
“Set in a pre-Woke era, when feelings and perceptions weren't yet disguised under "correct" jargon, and filled with light moments as well. as tragic ones, this is a nostalgia-inducing novel to savor and reflect upon,”
- Daphne Merkin, author of 22 Minutes of Unconditional Love
“With incongruously chaste depictions of debauchery and a pitch-perfect ending that makes poetic justice achingly spare, Jane and Madeleine is a darkly funny comedy of manners that packs a wallop,”
- Debra Monroe, author of It Takes a Worried Woman
“A scrupulous eye for detail and fine-tuned, unsentimental prose leavened with sly humor and slam-dunk metaphors...Gordon delivers a brilliant, engaging story, and doesn’t miss a beat,”
- Ann McCutchan, author of The Life She Wished to Live: A Biography of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Mockingbird Years
“An eloquent voice capable of rendering significance to the most random and subtle details of her life...her insights are a testament to how rich a concentrated examination of one’s own life can be,”
- Chris Navratil, Chicago Tribune
“Mockingbird Years is an eloquent book. It is a work of art by an author with a unique voice and a gift for living, examining and writing about ‘the conscious life’,”
- Sheila Bienenfeld, Women’s Review of Books
Are You Happy?
“Here she presents her view of the past, and it is dazzling in its cool, clear-eyed, unsentimental view of herself,”
- Boston.com
“No one tells it straighter than Emily Fox Gordon,”
- Barbara Liss, Houston Chronicle
It Will Come to Me
“Gordon’s hilarious spin on the inanities of academic life, from the welcome-back potluck supper to the dean’s Tapestry Task Force Mission Statement Working Group (TTFMSWG), reassures us that the next generation of the campus novel is alive and kicking,”
- Caroline Preston, Washington Post
“This is an academic novel, and it joins the best of the genre (Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim, David Lodge’s Small World, Bernard Malamud’s A New Life, Vladimir Nabokov’s Pnin, Don DeLillo’s White Noise, Jane Smiley’s Moo) in its ability to let Lola stand in for other campuses and other communities,”
- Steven G. Kellman, The Texas Observer
Book of Days: Personal Essays
“These accessible yet sophisticated essays on modern life are so astute, you'll think the author has been hiding in your closet.”
- O Magazine on "Book of Days"
“A keen and intelligent observer with a sharp gift for description...Readers will delight in Gordon’s fresh, lyrical language,”
- Beatriz Terrazas, Dallas Morning News
“There are jokes in Book of Days, but the writing is precise, the thinking is complicated and original, and just about every subject she chooses...somehow enables her to pitch for something rich and important,”
- Nick Hornby, The Believer